Board of Management

Board of Management- 2019-2023

The Board of Management of the school is elected every five years. The committee is responsible for overseeing the running of the school. The Board is appointed for 4 years and meet at least once a term.

The Structure of the Board is:

  • Two Nominees of the Patron, Bishop Kevin Doran
  • Two Community Representatives
  • Two Parents’ Representatives- a male and female, elected from the parents of students attending the school
  • A teachers Representative- elected from the teaching staff
  • The School Principal


The Current Members of the Board

Michael Quinn- Chairperson and Patron’s Nominee
Fr. Christopher Edebianga  - Patron’s Nominee
Rosita Murphy – School Principal
Brid Fahy -Teachers’ Nominee
Rachael Gordon- Parents’ Nominee
Padraic Cuddy- Parents’ Nominee
Ann Connell – Community Representative
Michael Brennan- Community Representative