About Us

Our School Ethos

St. Ciaran’s N.S., is a catholic school, under the patronage of the Bishop of Elphin, Bishop Kevin Doran. A Christian ethos permeates the school day and the life of our school. The religion programme is catholic but we respect the rights of parents to determine as to whether or not their child will participate in the delivery of the programme.

Children are prepared for the sacraments and take an active part in the Parish Masses and Church activities. We support the family and parish in passing on the Catholic faith to the children.
We welcome children of all faiths, beliefs and none.

Mission Statement

Our hope is that St. Ciaran’s N.S., Fuerty will provide every child with an opportunity to develop and grow in a learning and caring environment, where every child is treated with equal dignity, care and respect. Such an environment demands great co-operation between staff, parents, children and Board of Management.

Teaching Staff

Principal:  Ms. Rosita Murphy

Vice Principal:  Ms. Brid Fahy

Infants Teacher: Ms. Brigid Barlow

S.E.T. : Ms. Clare Collins

S.E.T. : Ms. Niamh Lohan

S.E.T. : Ms. Marcena Davitt

S.N.A. : Ms. Edel Burgoyne

Secretary : Ms. Imelda Lavin